To start off women’s history month, I thought I’d speak on something that I feel has plagued women for years. It has been drilled into our brains that we are supposed to get married and start having babies. That is our way of making the World go round right??? Let’s just say that as a woman you haven’t done “your part” by the time you’ve reached 30… you’re now labeled as damaged goods. 

As a woman and reaching my late 30’s without a biological child of my own I know the mental and emotional struggles that this stigma provides.

Growing up I always thought that I would have children by now (late 30s), but that just wasn’t in the cards for me. A few years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which makes it harder for me to conceive a child naturally. That news hit me like a ton of bricks because there was nothing I wanted more than being a mom growing up. Heck I thought I’d be good at it. I’m an older sibling and was everyone’s babysitter (lol). I had years of experience under my belt.

There’s nothing more mentally, physically, and emotionally draining than seeing your circle enjoying the bliss of pregnancy and motherhood and you have to find some type of happiness for them. The judging eyes and comments that I’ve heard, “What’s wrong with you? You can’t have your own kids?” Or, my personal favorite,  “You sure you’re a part of this family? We ain’t never had no problem having no babies.” Not only were my feelings hurt, but I was pissed that people that are supposed to love you could be so inconsiderate.

In the spirit of National Women’s Month, I’m asking you to be careful with your words to your family and friends without children. You don’t know if it’s a personal choice or not and, in actuality, it isn’t your business. We all have our struggles so be kind to one another. Love, Peace, and Light!!!